As of Sept, 2022, New York State has enacted 30-35 undated enhancements to existing Handgun and Firearms Laws and 12-15 new Laws. Included in theses new Laws is the Concealed Carry Improvement Act or CCIAA. The result is increased stress and pressure of owning rifles and shotguns and in particular handguns. This includes the legal, moral, practical, and financial liability of ownership. Although it is a right, owners especially handgun owners are now required to have a much firmer understanding of all levels of the Law – Local, State, Federal.
ACQUIRING/ PURCHASING A HANDGUN : Listed are the 4 most common ways require the individual must be 21, of good legal standing, have a valid New York Carry Permit, and undergo a background check by NYS Police.
- Purchase from a NYS gun Dealer : Dealer does a purchaser background check; issued receipt from Dealer; purchaser then goes to their Sheriff’s Office or County Clerk ( depends on County of residence); receives certificate; gives to Dealer; gets handgun.
- Private sale to non-relative : Seller of handgun surrenders it to NYS Dealer; Buyer undergoes NYS Dealer background check; Dealer gives receipt to buyer; buyer goes to their Sheriff’s Office or County Clerk ( depends on County of residence); receives certificate; returns and gives to Dealer; gets handgun.
- Transfer from relative to relative : Transfer done at Sheriff Office or County Clerk depending on County of residence. Both parties – current owner and transferee are required to fill out transfer forms. Both parties are required to have valid NYS Carry Permits. In case of an estate transfer, transferee must have valid NYS Carry Permit
- Transferring a handgun into NY from another state – moving into New York; transfer from another party out of state – relative, friend, estate, etc. In the majority of cases, with some exceptions, handguns are required to be transferred by way of an out-of-state Federal Firearms Dealer to a New York State Dealer. in other cases, however, your local authority may allow them in by another method. You will most likely need prior approval first and have a NY Carry Permit to receive them. TRANSFER PROCESS : May require same steps as in # 1 and # 2 above.
It is illegal to openly carry a handgun ANYWHERE or ANYTIME. Therefore, it must be carried concealed at all times even on your own property. The exception is while hunting with a valid Carry Permit. Also, you can not allow another to use your handgun unless it is listed on the other’s Permit also and under special conditions such as when taking a certified training Course under a certified instructor.
Can I carry anywhere in New York State ? No, especially in certain Restricted and Sensitive areas and not in NY City. Are there exceptions to concealed carry ? Yes, while hunting with a valid NY Carry Permit.
Can not be locked without a key, combination lock, trigger lock, or other locking mechanism ; Capable of preventing Unauthorized or Restricted individuals from obtaining access to and possession of the weapon contained there in; Stored separate from ammunition ; Fire and theft resistant or proof ; Kept from and hidden from public view.
With the exception of Concealed Carry for personal protection on your premises or domicile, all firearms including rifles and shotguns must be stored and locked away from ammunition and in either in a separate lockable area or in an NYS approved container and kept from public view.
Transporting all firearms – shotguns, rifle, handguns, etc. – at all times must be stored separate from ammunition and locked in an approved NYS container as described above and kept from public view. A common exception is with a NYS Carry Permit. a firearm is defined as loaded if it is not locked in approved container and the ammunition next to or in easy reach.
Handgun ownership carries with it increased legal responsibility as never before. Understanding all levels of the Law – Local, State, Federal carry with it your requirement to have a firm understanding. Included is an overview of the most important highlights of the new Laws. Please contact us for more in-depth explanations.
Added information about New York Handgun and Firearm Laws contact :